Hello, I'm Cameron
a Web Developer.

About me



About me

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Hello, my name is Cameron and I love to code. A little about my coding history, I studied web development from many places including, Coding Dojo and Zero To Mastery. Both have taught me invaluable skills including OOP Java and the Spring framework and React and JavaScript to build beautiful functional websites. I have also learned CSS3 Bootstrap and other tools to make the websites stand out. I have been coding for a while now, with over 1 year of professional experience. my love for it is only growing. Every day I try to learn more and work on projects. I hope to be able to work with you :) thank you for reading

My current goals for programming are to be able to work with teams of people to make something really Amazing, and learn new things as I try to do with every project I Start. I can't wait to hear from you to get started.

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Project Smart Brain

Smart Brain is a project created in React that implements a face detection api. Really fun project to work on, I learned so much creating this website and I hope you enjoy it.

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Project Movies dot Com

Project Movies dot Com is a website where users can search for and view information about any given movie that uses the TMDB api this was a fun project to create and the result I thought was really cool. Check out this project live and look at my code, tell me what you think.

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Project Adventure TRVL

Great project I worked on to grow my experience in React, React hooks, and React router. Really beautiful website hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.

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Pedro's Pizzeria

Pedro's Pizzeria is a recent react project I built for practice I am still improving on it. I am currently working on the cart section. Fun little website, please check it out.

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Project Acme Web Design

Acme Web Design is built using HTML5 and CSS3, it is a project I worked on to boost my knowledge of them. Check it out live and look at my code tell me what you think.

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Project Theme clock

Simple project creating a clock that tells day month am and pm using javascript html and css. You can also change the theme of the website by clicking a button pretty cool.

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Here are a few of the technologies that I work with..

html css sass JavaScript react.js github nodejs mysql java


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